Contact with Lilly Associates
United Way Contact with Lilly Associates
United Way of Central Indiana (UWCI) Direct Contact with Lilly Associates
Only Lilly shall solicit donations from Lilly Associates, unless a Lilly Associate separates from Lilly (not including retirement);
at which time, UWCI may solicit as part of routine donor retention practices (e.g. direct mail, email if personal email
provided, etc.).
Lilly Donors
UWCI may correspond directly with Lilly Associates unless the Lilly Associate has selected through the pledge process to
opt out” of receiving communication from UWCI.
Self-Identified Donors
UWCI may correspond directly with any Lilly Associate who initiates contact directly with UWCI (e.g. requests information,
elects to receive newsletters or other information via, etc.).
United Way (non-Central Indiana) Direct Contact with Lilly Associates
Only Lilly shall solicit donations from Lilly Associates, unless a Lilly Associate separates from Lilly (not including retirement);
at which time, United Way may solicit as part of routine donor retention practices (e.g. direct mail, email if personal email
provided, etc.).
Lilly Donors
United Way may correspond directly with Lilly Associates unless the Lilly Associate has selected through the pledge process
to “opt out” of receiving communication from United Way.
Self-Identified Donors
United Way may correspond directly with any Lilly Associate who initiates contact directly with United Way (e.g. requests
information, elects to receive newsletters or other information, etc.).